Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy 2 weeks, Little Girl!


Today you are two weeks old. Its so hard to remember life before you joined our family. You are such a sweet girl and by far our easiest baby so far. I cant get over how well you sleep, usually now just waking up once at night. You also do great at going right back to sleep after you eat at night so that makes it easy for Mommy. You love being swaddled. You do love to eat, now at 3 ounces each time. You tolerate your brothers constant kisses but do not like getting your diaper or clothes changed. You are constantly making noises and sound like  a baby goat Smile


Ive learned the swing isnt your favorite place like it was your brothers, you actually prefer just sitting in your carseat. I of course will take it bc that means no crying when we are in the car! You are a precious precious girl and we love you so much!

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