Friday, November 30, 2012

14 weeks

2012-11-29 08.06.28

At 14 weeks the baby has doubled in size the last 2 weeks and is now 4 inches long and the size of a lemon! Baby can also now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and suck its thumb!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 lbs

Gender: We will find out in January. Have to wait until 20 weeks this time.

Movement: Oh yes! While the kicks aren't powerful right now, I do feel the baby moving often! Any time I sit still I can usually put my hand on my belly and feeling it moving.

What I miss: Not really missing anything right now… just enjoying the moment!

Sleep: Sleeping good but cant seem to catch up. In 2nd trimester and still feeling very tired!

Symptoms: Nausea is continuing to hold on even though it’s the 2nd trimester.

Notes: We love our new doctor, Dr. Myers! He has a great personality, very thorough and we didn’t have to wait two hours in the waiting room!

Cravings: Nothing specific now but I have to eat something every 3 hours or the nausea kicks in.

What we are looking forward to: Calling our baby by name. This week we have wracked our brain and tried each night to narrow down our list for a boy. It really bothers me having to call the baby “it” or “baby.” I want to be able to pray for them by name and always feel like once we give the baby a name it becomes more real!

My list: Hudson, Knox, Noah, Grayson, Hunter, Paxton. JR likes: Knox, Tucker, Judah and Barnabas. Haha okay I think the last one was a way to get me fired up! He didn’t really like it but we just couldn’t agree on one!

After an 1.5 hour drive alone today we finally agreed!!!!! I jumped out of the car and ran around with excitement! Our convo went something like this.

L- “Well I REALLY love Hudson.” J- “I really love Judah.” L- I can do Judah as a middle name if Hudson can be the first name.” J- “Ok.Hudson Judah Isham. I like it.” He was so calm and I couldn’t believe it after he had so adamantly said no to Hudson. Our same name for a girl has carried on through all 3 pregnancies because we love it so much too. I am ecstatic!!!

So without further babble, our official names for baby #3 are:

Hudson Judah Isham


Lexi Grace Isham

***Update from 12.5 appointment: Keeping due date at June 1st, Mommy is dehydrated a bit but baby is great! Heart rate was 153.

Friday, November 16, 2012

12 weeks

2012-11-18 17.27.20_thumb

At 12 weeks the baby is 2 inches long and the size of a lime!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 lbs

Gender: We will find out in December…hopefully!

Movement:Laying on the couch tonight after a long day on my feet and what did I feel but a flutter! Very quick and then again a few more times!!

What I miss: Being able to to not frequent the bathroom as swear if I had a dollar for every time I went, all of our children would have a college fun!

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, now waking up twice in the night to go to the bathroom.

Symptoms: nausea. I skipped my zofran by accident one day and by 1:00 I felt like I was ahout to fall over from yuckiness. Gotta remember to take those meds!

Notes: Funny thing to note about the big brothers. They are both pretending to have babies in their bellies now too!

Cravings: Nothing specific now but I have to eat something every 3 hours or the nausea kicks in.

What we are looking forward to: Seeing our baby again and scheduling the gender ultrasound.

Friday, November 2, 2012

10 weeks

2012-11-02 18.05.08

We are officially starting the weekly questionnaire for baby #3! SO in love with this baby already and happy to see it growing! I’ve definitely “blossomed” very quickly this time. Word on the street is that after 2 pregnancies, your uterus just knows what to do and stretches out quickly. Its not terribly because it makes me feel pregnant but I’m ready to be over the “I ate too much” look and get to where people know I’m actually pregnant.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’ve gained 3 pounds thus far. Feels like a lot but I’ve been pregnant over 6 weeks already! Seems like the never ending pregnancy :)

Gender: We will find out in December!

Movement: None yet but I remember feeling Griffin pretty early at 13 weeks so it shouldn’t be long!

What I miss: Not feeling constantly tired and nauseous.

Sleep: Still sleeping great, only waking up once in the night to go to the bathroom.

Symptoms: nausea, tiredness, irritability, and seriously hormonal! JR can amen the last part!

Notes: According to my last period I am a week ahead of what the baby measured last ultrasound. We are switching doctors though so we will see if they say the same.

Cravings: First few weeks I couldn’t eat meats so I craved peanut butter for protein. Now I’ve honestly had a normal appetite, I just cant eat a whole lot at a time. And I have to eat something every 3 hours or the nausea kicks in.

What we are looking forward to: Meeting our new doctor! We are choosing to change because the wait time was over 2 hours each time we went and it isn't feasible with 2 small kids. Hopefully this new place will not overbook and it will be better!