Saturday, August 31, 2013

Its football time in Tennessee!

2013-08-31 14.40.00

Its finally our favorite time of the year… FOOTBALL TIME! It was so fun to get to start the season off with all THREE of you sporting your orange for the Vols!

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Surprisingly you didn’t have any orange that fit you so mommy had to whip up a shirt for you. We love chevron and we love TN so it worked!

2013-08-31 19.24.30

Mimi and Potts came to watch the game with us

2013-08-31 18.42.56

We all got together at Tyler and Cara’s new house to cheer them on!

2013-08-31 18.41.54

And we celebrated Potts’ birthday which was yesterday. 71 years young he is Smile

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Fun Day

2013-08-30 18.51.31

We had a fun family day running errands and walking at the park. You are a fairly easy going baby but there have been times recently where you just do not like your carseat! Mommy sits in the middle with you sometimes and others you just need to be sang to by your brothers Smile

Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 month photo shoot







Today we took your 3 month photos at Portrait Innovations. You didn’t have a good night sleeping and a rough morning with tummy issues so I was worried about how it would go. As you can see there were just a few times you cracked a smile, and those were only when Mommy got right in your view so you could see her. The photographer was a bigger man and for some reason you seemed scared of him ha! But nonetheless, we will cherish these photos of this precious time!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

3 months old!

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You are a whole 3 months old today! And boy arent you so much fun. Cooing, smiling, giggling, full of expressions and even babbling now too! You have found your hands now and are trying to eat them at all times. You now are looking around to find who is in the room and if its someone you don’t know you usually frown and start to cry. You can sit up in your bumbo and want to be sitting up and not laying down most of the time. You are sleeping pretty well still and about every other night make it from 9-6. You are full-time on formula now, as we made the switch last week and seem to be handling it well. You are growing like a weed, now at 90th percentile weighing 13 lbs 8 oz and your last check.

We love you dearly sweet girl and you make our whole family smile often!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy girl!

2013-08-26 09.19.13

I love going to get you out of the bed in the mornings when you are just cooing and you give me one giant smile. I also love that I can lay you down while you are awake and you go to sleep on your own.

You spoil me little girl!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Naps with Daddy

2013-08-25 14.29.56

We now know where you get your pouty lip from when you’re sleeping. Like father like daughter Smile

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Diddy’s triathlon

2013-08-24 07.53.42

We went to cheer on Diddy for his very first triathlon today. He did awesome and was a finisher of STORM THE FORT!

2013-08-24 11.32.09

This was your view most of the day. I’m so thankful you do well on the go!

Friday, August 23, 2013

You WILL know your name

2013-08-23 14.50.05

Mommy got a new crafting machine and now I can iron on letters. Little girl, you WILL know your name because I LOVE putting it on everything!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mommy night

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Daddy gave Mommy a night out for some alone time. I did enjoy it no doubt but I couldn’t wait to get back to snuggle with you before bed!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big girl bath

2013-08-20 12.24.23

You had your first big girl bath with your brothers today! Rub a dub dub, 3 babies in a tub!!

2013-08-20 12.25.27

You werent totally thrilled but took it pretty well. I think you were just trying to figure out what was going on in your new seat!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Potty Training

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2013-08-19 09.27.122013-08-19 09.25.09

We started potty training Carter today so now you are the only baby in diapers! He did so good and loves being a “big boy.” We stayed at the house to concentrate on that one thing and all they wanted to do was show you their undies!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Church photo shoot

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Having you 3 dressed up for church on Sunday mornings makes for the perfect time for a photo shoot!